Sign Up for Four Ball (Two Man Team) Match Play Tournament


The EGC Four Ball Match Play is a multi-round, all-summer long match play bracket-style tournament, where the best match play team is left standing. Each team competes as best ball net, meaning the best net score from each team. Each round is typically two to weeks long, and you schedule your own match times with your opponent team within that window. 


Schedule and other key information on the President's Cup is on the "Info and Rules" / Info & Rules link at the top of this page. 


All Players must read the "Info and Rules" / Tournament Info and Rules at EGC Home Page / Club and Local Rules link.


How to Sign Up (Register) for the Four Ball Team Match Play 


You must do this step using a Computer or Mobile Web Browser - Not the Mobile App! 

The event will not show up in the Mobile App event list until you have registered for it! 


First, Sign in using the big green REGISTER link at the top right (or in the "three bar menu" on a phone). If the Gears are showing you are already logged in. If you do not have a Golf Genius account (email/password) contact 


  1. Click big green Register for the EGC Four Ball Match 2022 button, right under the logo. 
    >> If it says you need a GGID to log in, you are not logged in with your Golf Genius account. Log out and log in with your Golf Genius account.

  2. Click New Registration

  3. Type the first few letters of your last name in box - then pick your name when it shows up.
    >> If your name is not listed, contact to get added to the master roster.

  4. Click continue.

  5. Confirm the information on the page, and enter any missing info.

  6. You have the OPTION to add your teammate here.  If you have a partner, please add them, they will get an email to complete their registration.
      >> If you do NOT have a teammate, just register as an individual and list "Single" as your partner, and we will match you up.

  7. Check the box and click Register

  8. You are now registered on the Four Ball Match Play roster.